Avero & Infogenesis (SAAS Export)
Infogenesis SAAS Export is supported for Sales data only.
Please note: Infogenesis and Avero will stop supporting the export integration for Infogenesis Cloud on December 30, 2023. All Infogenesis SAAS Cloud systems will be installed under the new integration format: Infogenesis API
Avero processes and presents data from your Infogenesis POS for your analysis and insight. This article details how to handle POS changes, make updates to this data, and how to handle discrepancies or problems you might encounter. This article refers only to Infogenesis ASP Cloud systems, meaning Agilysys sends an export from the Cloud to Avero daily containing your sales data. To read about the Infogenesis On-Premise system (you have a server on-site hosting your POS): Infogenesis (On-Premise)
In this article:
- About Infogenesis Cloud POS
- Installation & Reinstallation
- Regular Maintenance: Making Updates and Changes
- AAANTZ!Common Problems
- Frequently Asked Questions About Infogenesis ASP (Cloud)
About Infogenesis Cloud POS
POS Type: Export
Infoegenesis is a cloud POS system, meaning that your data is stored in the cloud and Agilysys sends it to us in an export daily. If data is missing, incomplete, or inaccurate, you'll need to work with Agilysys support to resend this information.
Differences between Infogenesis Cloud & Avero
Infogenesis uses the term Profit Center and Avero uses the term Revenue Center. When you are reading instructions throughout our Knowledge Base or using Avero to run reports, Revenue Center will mean the same thing as Profit Center.
Infogensis uses meal periods to calculate the sales data, but Avero uses closed check time. This means we may not match up with your Infogen reporting.
Infogenesis does not send information regarding transfers of checks, so you will not be able to report on this information.
Item Sales Time for Infogenesis is determined by Check Open time, this may mean that your Sales by Hour Report does not exactly match the hours in which individual items were sold.
Installation & Reinstallation on Infogenesis Cloud
Infogenesis sends data via an export from the cloud. You don't need to be installed to start using Avero! Even though data isn't flowing yet, you'll be invited as an Avero user right away to begin setting up your Logbook and exploring our platform!
Export Systems
- Request Agilysys enable the export, supply configuration data, and send sales data
- Submit Technical Form (once export is confirmed)
- Schedule Installation
Requesting The Export
If help or additional instruction is needed, reach out to the Avero team by replying to the install instructions or opening a support ticket to receive additional assistance.
Additionally, for hotels or properties with multiple outlets, Business Mapping information must be provided in advance of installation. This defines the relationship between the POS profit centers and the outlets as they appear in Avero.
The following data points are required before installation can be scheduled:
Site information
- FTP User
- FTP Password
- FTP Site (for most domestic properties this is ftp.infogenesisasp.com. but can vary for international properties)
Configuration Information
- check_types.txt (also referred to as Order Types)
- discounts.txt
- gratuity.txt (also referred to as Service Charges)
- job_codes.txt
- meal_periods.txt
- tax.txt
- tenders.txt
- voids.txt
For all configuration data types except meal periods, the configuration data file contains just 2 fields in CSV format.
ID – a unique numerical identifier. No two lines can have the same number
NAME – Name of the configuration data as it will appear in Avero
Here is a sample voids.txt file:
3,Server Error
5,Changed Mind
6,Over Ring
8,*Kitchen Error
9,Cashier Error
10,*Did Not Like
254,Item Return
255,Reopen Check
11,Long Wait
13,Manager Meal
14,Never Made
ID – a numerical identifier. Numbers can be duplicated (unlike the other configuration data types)
NAME – meal period name as it is to be displayed in Avero
STARTMIN – meal period start time in minute of the day (i.e. 60 = 1am, 120 = 2am, etc…)
ENDMIN – meal period end time in minute of the day (i.e. 60 = 1am, 120 = 2am, etc…)
PC ID - the profit center ID associated with the meal period
DOW - the day of the week this meal period is valid (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday)
Meal periods must be repeated for each DOW and PCID with all fields filled
If the meal periods are exactly the same for all revenue centers for every day of the week, then the last PCID
and DOW
fields can be left blank. If even a single revenue center or day needs a different meal period configuration, then every row must be setup with PCID
and DOW
Sample meal_periods.txt file where all RVCs/Days have the same meal periods:
ID,Name,StartMin,EndMin,PC ID,Day of Week
Sample meal_periods.txt file when MPs vary by day of week:
ID,Name,StartMin,EndMin,PC ID,Day of Week
Export Details
There are 26 total files required for the daily transaction data, all of which are in CSV format:
Agilysys will need to create all 26 of these files daily and place them on a file transfer server so that Avero can access the information.
Back Data
Agilysys can, at your request, provide additional exports of back days of your data if you would like historical data added. To do this, Agilysys will need to add the same 26 CSV files required for the daily export for each date of back data to the Backup or Archive directory on your FTP portal.
For Avero to process the historical data:
- All 26 files must be present and non-0 size for each date, they should be in the Backup or Archive directory and not in subfolders or other directories. (this is the same folder used when data is moved from the daily export folder, the location of backup/archived information is provided to Avero on the Technical Form as the 'Archive Directory')
- All files should be named in accordance with the standard naming format and dates should be consistent in format (such as MMDDYYYY or MM-DD-YYYY or YYMMDD, etc)
- The data contained in the files should be the prior business date. A file dated 01-02-2021 should contain data for 01-01-2021. If data in the file is for the same date as the title data will not process successfully.
Submit the Jumpstart Technical Form
During the setup process, you'll need Agilysys to confirm that the above has been complete. Avero cannot move your installation forward until Agilysys has populated the FTP with data and configuration information, and provided the credentials to access this data.
Your Agilysys contact can supply the FTP credentials and requested information directly via this secure form.
Or if Agilysys provides you with the relevant access information, submit the form provided in your Install Kickoff email. Our team will need the FTP URL, FTP Username, and FTP Password to access the data, as well as the file path to retrieve it.
The technical form looks like this and should not be submitted until data is confirmed on the FTP:
Scheduling Installation
Installation may be delayed, and scheduled appointments may be canceled or postponed if the data is not yet present, configuration data is missing, or business mapping information has not been accurately provided in advance of the appointment.
What are some common problems seen during an installation on Infogenesis Cloud?
When Agilysys enables the export for your site, there are some common barriers we see due to the variable site configurations available. We have an in-depth guide on preventing these issues that you can provide directly to your Agilysys support contact here: Infogenesis Cloud/SAAS Setup Process & Common Roadblocks
- Meal Period data is incorrect - Meal Period must cover the entire day, but cannot overlap or errors will be generated. If you have any flexible meal periods that are manually applied in Infogenesis, these are not reflected in the Agilysys export. Meal Periods must be fixed time periods for each outlet/profit center and must be uploaded in minute-format. Hour-format will fail to load. Any deviations must be adjusted by Agilysys.
- Incorrect date loaded - If the export is scheduled to load to the FTP site (from which Avero retrieves the data) prior to your system changing over to the new business day, the export will load for the day-before-yesterday instead of yesterday and your data will always be one-day behind. Agilysys must adjust the timing of the export to resolve.
- Data not present - If the export is scheduled for a time before your system has processed end-of-day we may receive blank files instead of your sales data, which will not load (because there is nothing there). Agilysys must adjust the timing of the export to resolve.
- Extra dates/files included. You may be exporting other data from your Infogenesis system to the same FTP, such as daily Banquet or GL exports. Avero should be on a unique path with only the Avero Export and Configuration files present. The presence of additional files in the path for the Daily Avero Export can interfere with Avero's data collection. The files posted to the daily path should also always contain the previous day, if the Header files in the daily path contain multiple business dates, our extraction will fail. Back data can be loaded in bulk to the Archive or Backup directory as a zipped file of daily .txt export files.
Regular Maintenance: Making Updates and Changes for Infogenesis
When changes or updates are needed who is responsible? If something appears incorrect or out-of-date, how should it be updated?
Configuration Information
When your property is installed as a new Avero customer, Agilysys uploads Configuration data to us, which is coded into the Avero side of the extraction process. If you are making changes to configuration, you'll open a ticket with Avero Support to request the configuration be updating, providing the ID # and name of the data point being updated (see below for detailed information on specific data points). Such as:
We have added a new discount to PROPERTY ABC, the discount information is:
(ID, Name) 123,10% Off
Configuration data includes: Check Types/Order Types, Discounts, Gratuity, Job Codes, Meal Periods, Tax Types, Tenders/Payment Types, Voids.
Change or Add a Meal Period in Infogenesis Cloud
Important to note - Meal Period changes/additions will not automatically update your logbook or saved reports.
For Infogenesis cloud Avero needs to code the meal periods to match your Infogenesis setup. If meal periods are changed in Infogenesis, Avero must be informed for you to see the changes reflected in Avero.
Meal Period updates must be sent in the following format to Avero Support. Agilysys should be able to provide this for you so we can match our coding:
Meal Period ID, Meal Period Name, Starting Time (minute), Ending Time (minute), Profit Center ID, Day of Week (if changes throughout the week)
The starting and ending time should be the minute of the day, so 360 = 6am
1, Breakfast, 420, 659, ?, Sun
When Agilysys sends it to you the Day of Week may be represented as a number and that is ok, we can use that.
Can you also let us know when these meal periods went into effect? Once coded, we can rerun data back to that date to correct any data that was uploaded prior to the coding change.
Change or Add a Profit / Revenue Center in Infogenesis
You can change or add profit centers to your Infogenesis configuration and see them reflected in Avero as soon as the next day. Changing a revenue center's name will only affect the data moving forward.
To add a profit center, or move a profit center from one outlet to another in Avero, open a ticket with Avero Support to request by providing the Profit Center Name and ID and informing the support team which current outlet this profit center reports to.
To add a new outlet for profit centers to be routed to, open a ticket with Avero Support to request by providing the Profit Center Name and ID and informing the support team of the correct spelling of the new outlet.
To change an outlet name, open a ticket with Avero Support. Changing the name of a revenue center must be done in Infogenesis, but the business it reports to ('Business' box in report generator, name on the logbook) will be changed by Avero.
To remove an outlet, open a ticket with Avero Support to request it be removed from Avero. Doing so will remove access to the historical data which you may want for reports on previous years and cannot be undone, so be sure this is what you want before requesting.
Categories & Items in Infogenesis
Avero provides the following Global categories: Beverage, Food, Misc., Other, and Retail. The major and minor categories come from your POS.
To make changes to items you'll need to update Infogenesis - changing an item name, price, or moving it between categories.
To make changes to major/minor categories you'll need to update Infogenesis - changing category names, updating which items are in a category, making categories more specific.
To make changes to global categories, you'll need to open a ticket and request Avero makes the change. For example, if Appetizers are appearing under Beverage and need to be moved to Food.
When creating new Categories, they may default to Other and require a ticket to update this mapping.
Common Problems
It is very important to keep an active connection to your POS server should you ever need Avero Support to access the server and assist.
Infogenesis Missing Data
If the export is missing or incomplete, you may experience missing data in the Avero platform. With export systems the only way to recover this data is for you, the customer, to open a ticket with Agilysys and request they resend the export. Avero cannot load or reload any data unless Agilysys has first sent the corrected export.
Data Discrepancies - Avero's sales data is not matching Infogenesis
If you notice your sales data is not matching up with your Infogenesis reports, there are three actions you need to complete:
- Make sure the data discrepancy exists in Avero by logging in and running a sales report. If you notice incorrect data in an emailed report, it may be related to email settings and not the data itself. See our troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting Email Reports with Missing or Incomplete Data
- Review the Differences between Infogenesis & Avero to make sure this isn't the discrepancy you are noticing.
- Run a Profit Center Report from Infogenesis for the date in question, Open a Data Ticket, attach the report and explain the discrepancy. Make sure to include the report, the date, and profit center or location if you have access to several, as well as any examples you can provide.
Our team investigates all data discrepancies - due to the nature of our daily data extraction a single date and single-day sales report must be provided. We cannot investigate date ranges, but it is helpful to know if the issue is recurring and you can provide multiple dates.
Frequently Asked Questions About Infogenesis ASP (Cloud)
Why don't Avero's sales look the same as my Infogenesis reports?
Infogensis uses meal periods to calculate the sales data, but Avero uses closed check time. This means we may not match up with your Infogen reporting.
Infogenesis does not send information regarding transfers of checks or table names, so you will not be able to report on this information.
Infogenesis creates a NEW unique check number when closed checks are reopened and canceled/voided/refunded or otherwise updated, however these secondary checks are omitted from Infogenesis reporting, so check counts may differ between Infogenesis and Avero reporting.
Is there any information Infogenesis Cloud doesn't export to Avero?
There are some data limitations you may notice based on what we receive from Infogenesis.
- Infogenesis does not send us check transfer information, so this portion of Check Search and Loss Prevention are not available to Infogenesis locations.
- Infogenesis ASP does not supply Table Names, so reporting on specific tables is not available in Avero
- Infogenesis does not supply Item Transaction Time, so Check Open time is used for sales by hour.
Does Avero pull credit card information from my Infogenesis system?
No. Avero pulls payment type information, such as what type of card is used and the amount of the payment from all systems. We do not have access to, collect, or store full credit card numbers, customer names, or any such identifying information from your Infogenesis export.