Please enter the details of your issue.
Please list the businesses impacted by this issue with their names as they appear in Avero, include Avero Business IDs if available
Date these changes will go live to your customers.
Select your POS System from this list. If your POS is not listed, please review our list of supported instegrations to ensure your system is supported.
POS Providers must create and send an export for export systems, before Avero can connect to the data. Request your export and receive confirmation from the POS provider prior to submitting an Avero Support POS change request.
Cloud systems require you to authorize Avero's access to your data, usually done in your POS Account's web portal. View your POS Guide in our Knowledge Base for specific instructions.
For on-premise installs and reinstalls, we need to know what type of database you are using.
Installing software locally requires access to a Windows Admin Username
Installing software locally requires access to a Windows Admin Password - use this site to encrypt passwords as needed:
A database user must be created with access to all of the relevant tables. Review the necessary tables and permissions for this database user in the POS Guide for your system.
A database user must be created with access to all of the relevant tables. Review the necessary tables and permissions for this database user in the POS Guide for your system. You may encrypt your answer at and paste a link for retrieval.
Remote Access will be required for your system - Please acknowledge that you will be able to provide remote access to an Avero technician and confirm the method.
See your POS guide for instructions on gathering this information.
Provided by Revel - See POS Guide for complete instructions.
See POS Guide for instructions to locate your URL
See POS Guide for instructions to locate.