Creating & Managing Logbook Templates
Available in: All subscription levels
You must have the Logbook special role in order to create and edit templates. Navigate to Settings > Logbook.
The Templates tab contains Template Management, which is a table that displays the list of available templates and includes tools for adding new templates and editing existing templates.
In addition, the Template Management table displays the following:
- the number and names of logbooks the user has access to("Your Logbooks Using Template")
- the number, but not names, of logbooks the user does not have access to that use the logbook ("Other Logbooks Using Template").
This article will discuss the following topics:
Need additional information? Watch the following video for more:
Creating a New Template
If you are creating a template for the first time, see our guide: Create Your First Logbook Template
You can create a new template by completing the following steps:
- Click the Create New Template button on the Templates tab
- You can also create a new template when activating a logbook or changing the template assigned to a logbook.
- A new template starts with one section. You must name the template and section.
- Save the template.
- Then, add additional sections and fields and delete sections and fields (as needed) from this template.
Please Note: If you create a new template when activating a logbook or changing the template for a logbook, the template configuration form includes the Assign to... button for assigning the new template directly to the logbook. The button becomes active when the user saves the new template.
Viewing a Template
A user can view any existing template's configuration by completing the following steps:
- Click the template's name in the Template tab Management table or by clicking the view link from the Logbook Management table.
- Clicking the template's name brings you to the template configuration form. The configuration of the template determines the sections and fields that appear on the logbook page for all logbooks assigned the template.
The image below shows a sample template configuration on the left and the resulting logbook on the right.
Editing a Template
When viewing an existing template, users can make the following changes:
- edit template, section, and field names
- add sections and fields
- delete sections and fields
- reorder sections and fields
- apply snapshot filters
Please Note: Though all users with Logbook's special role can view all templates, not all users with Logbook's special role can edit all templates. If a template is not in use by any of the user's logbooks or is in use by at least one logbook the user does not have access to, the template is read-only for the user.
To learn more about adding/editing sections and fields, access this article.
Changes to email templates will not automatically update the fields sent in your existing logbook email. Visit Logbook Emails to double-check your fields are included.
Can I customize the Logbook sales snapshot to include specific metrics?
Each section in your logbook automatically includes a data snapshot for the day's sales - this can be filtered to specific revenue centers or meal periods, but the included metrics cannot be manipulated or customized. The logbook is a helpful place to combine shift notes and context with high-level sales information and a historical touchpoint - like Same Day Last Week or Same Day Last Year.
To customize or configure the sales information you need, turn to your sales reporting and analytics options in Aero! Your Avero reports are available to provide you with addition insight in how your business is operating and can be set up to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly and these reports can be configured and scheduled according to your business needs. You can also setup a dashboard(s) to view multiple saved reports on a single page upon logging in, like a Daily Sales Report.
Deleting a Template
To delete a template within Logbook, complete the following steps:
- Click the menu button in the Actions column of the Template Management table.
- Click the Delete option.
Please Note: Delete is available only for templates that are not in use by any logbooks.