Logbook Emails - Getting Started
Available in: All subscription levels
In addition to viewing logbooks through the Avero website or the Logbook mobile app, users can also send and receive logbook content via email.
Logbook data for a specific logbook or logbook section can be sent as an email with a PDF attachment. All recipients must be Avero users to be able to receive the logbook email.
Any user with an active Avero account can configure and send Logbook emails. There are two types of emails:
- Now Emails - emails that are sent immediately, only one time
- Scheduled Daily Emails - emails that are created and scheduled to send at the same time every day
Any user can create a logbook email, but only the creator of that individual emailed report can edit or discard scheduled daily emails. In this article, the following topics will be discussed:
- Creating Now Emails
- Scheduling and Sending Daily Emails
- Can I change my logbook email to SDLW instead of SDLY?
Want us to walk you through it? Try our pop-up walkthrough guide to enabling your logbook. If you are an Avero user, log into Avero on another tab in your browser and click this link:
How-to: Create Daily Logbook Emails
Creating Now Emails
To create a Now Email, complete the following steps:
- Log into Avero and navigate to the Logbook
- Click on the envelope icon, prompting a drop-down menu
- Click the Now menu option
- This will open up the Email Now dialog box
- From here, configure the desired email structure to send for the currently selected logbook day
Remember: Use Now Emails when sending an email once, as opposed to sending an email daily
Scheduling and Sending Daily Emails
To schedule and send a daily email, complete the following steps:
- Log into Avero and navigate to the Logbook
- Click on the envelope icon, prompting a drop-down menu
- Click the Manage Emails menu option
- From here, you can create, view, or edit scheduled daily emails
- If creating your first scheduled email, you will need to click the Schedule a Daily Email button to create a new scheduled email. To create an additional scheduled email, click the plus button located above the email selection list
- From here, configure the desired email structure to send daily
Please Note: do not select the "Do not sent until Data is Loaded' option unless all businesses selected in your logbook have daily sales. Our Emailed Report engine will wait for data to load for all businesses on the report, meaning if you have businesses that do not have daily sales the email will not send until 12 hours after the scheduled time.
Can I change my logbook email to SDLW instead of SDLY?
Your logbook can easily be toggled over to Same Day Last Week instead of Same Day Last Year in your Logbook Email Settings. Navigate to Logbook, then click the envelope icon and select Manage Emails, make the adjustment in the email setup box. Only the owner of the logbook email (user who set it up) can make this adjustment: