Gl Cost Entry in Avero Finance
Avero's Finance solution allows you to manually add costs that we do not receive from your POS data, such as linen expenses, electrical bills, or rent. Avero automatically fills in your Sales data (and labor wages, if applicable) and does the calculations for you, so you can enter your fixed, or variable, expenses and compare them to budget and to sales with a few clicks!
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In order to manually enter costs, you'll first need to set up your GL Accounts following these directions: GL Account Setup
Note that to access this and any Finance features, you will need to be on a Team that has access to Finance and have the Finance Special Role enabled for your user. Read more here: Special Roles Explained
Cost Entry
Once your GL Accounts have been set up:
You can now enter costs into these accounts.
Go to Settings > Finance and select the Cost Entry tab:
You can Download the cost entry template, Upload a large list of entries, or select Add to enter costs one by one.
Select a business from the drop-down menu and enter dates to search for the existing entries for a time period.
To manually add entries, click Add to open the cost entry dialogue box.
- Select your Business from the drop-down menu and select a date for this entry. You can enter multiple costs on one entry if desired.
- Using the drop-down menus on the left, select the GL account for your cost.
- Enter the Cost Amount in the designated box. Make sure your cost amount lines up with the correct GL Account, if making multiple entries.
- Optional - enter vendor and invoice information or any notes at the bottom.
- Click Save to save your entry and close the dialogue box. Click Create and Add Another to enter the existing entry and open a new entry. (Click Cancel to discard the entry and return to the previous screen).
Note: You can enter multiple lines onto one entry but the Vendor, Invoice, and Notes will apply to the entire entry. So if inputting a Food invoice, you can separate costs to Dairy, Meat, and Paper Products with the Vendor & Invoice number attached, but if combining many invoices into a single entry you will see the invoice note applied to all the lines of the entry.
You can download the Chart of Accounts or a Cost Entry Template. The Cost Entry Template will allow you to enter many lines of information into one document and upload it to Avero. The GL Accounts must match exactly, including spelling, so when filling out the template also download the Chart of Accounts to verify your accounts or copy/paste them when entering.
- Download the Chart of Accounts and the Cost Entry Template.
- Fill your expenses in the Cost Entry Template. Make sure to copy the business name, GL Account #, and Account Name exactly as they appear in the Chart of Accounts, or your upload may fail.
- Click Upload, drag and drop your file, click Start Upload.
Depending on the size of your file, this may take a moment.