GL Account Setup
The GL Accounts tool in Avero allows you to either manually add your GL Accounts or upload them from a downloaded template. This article will discuss the following topics:
Please note: in order to update budget information, you must be a Finance admin. If you are not a finance admin and believe you should be, please reach out to your organization's designated Avero Admin.
Setting up a GL Account Manually
In order to manually set up a GL Account, complete the following steps:
1. Go to Settings and navigate to Finance.
2. Click the "GL Accounts" tab
3. Enter the Account Name, Number, Notes, and Category.
Please note: You can restrict access by clicking the lock icon. For accounts with restricted access, the data can only be entered, viewed, and edited by users with access permissions
Setting up a GL Account through a Bulk Upload
If you would like to set up your GL Account by uploading the information in bulk, complete the following steps:
1. Under the GL Accounts tab, Select Download
2. Select your Business and click Start Download
3. Open the excel file and enter the Account Name, Number, Notes, and Category for your GL accounts without formatting the columns.
4. Save the document and click the Upload button to upload back into Avero.
Please note the following when completing a bulk upload.
- Do not change the file name or extension(csv)
- Do not add or delete columns
- Do not format cells