FAQ: Finance & Budgets
Here are some of the common questions we receive regarding our Finance solution, which includes Budgets and P&L Reporting.
Help - I am having trouble uploading my budget or cost documents!
Usually errors encountered in uploading Budgets or Costs are related to the file name or format. Make sure you follow the directions and do not use any special characters or spaces in your file name. Underscores are permissible.
File Names with symbols may cause errors, especially / & ? ! or *.
File Names should appear like: OutletName_2020_Budget
Will I see Labor Costs in my P&L Report?
If Avero is ingesting your labor data via your POS or Timeclock, you will see hourly wages in your P&L Report. Hourly Labor Wages are the only labor data points that will populate. Additional labor costs, such as taxes, insurance, salaried labor, or tip payouts must be entered as a GL Cost Entry.
Where can I find Service Charges in the P&L?
Service Charges are non-revenue and considered payables. We do take in Service Charge information from your POS but these payments will not appear as Sales (as they are non-revenue) and the only Labor cost information directly funneled to the P&L report is hourly wages. Tips or Service Charge distributions, if managed as expenses by your organization, would need to be manually entered using the GL Entry Cost section.
Why is my budget taking a long time to load?
Budgets utilize a LOT of data and it takes time to read and display this information. The more specific the information you are requesting, the longer it may take to load. We recommend keeping budgets at the Monthly or Quarterly level to improve loading time. If your budget is taking too long to load, reduce the data points or increase the length of time per cycle to improve loading time.