Avero & Micros 3700 POS
Micros 3700 is supported for Sales data, Labor data, and Right Now Sales data.
Avero processes and presents data from your Micros 3700 POS for your analysis and insight. This article details how to handle POS changes, make updates to this data, and how to handle discrepancies or problems you might encounter. For some things, such as adding meal periods or revenue centers, you must complete the action on your side in order for it to be reflected in Avero (maybe with the help of your POS reseller or IT) and for some changes, such as global category associations, you'll need to reach out to our support team.
In this article:
- Differences between Micros 3700 & Avero
- Installation & Reinstallation
- Regular Maintenance: Making Updates and Changes
- Common Problems
- Frequently Asked Questions About Micros 3700
About Micros 3700 POS
IMPORTANT: Micros 3700 truncates data after 12-14 days so data cannot be recovered. Missing data must be recovered immediately when noticed. Simple instructions that take less than three minutes are found here, see On-Premise Data Recovery: Missing / Incorrect Data
POS Type: On-Premise
Avero is proud to offer Free Installation & Reinstallation for Micros 3700, and most POS systems.
Differences between Micros 3700 & Avero
- Item level discounts in Avero are without tax
- Micros total divided by Avero total is equal to 1 + tax rate
- Category sales in Micros have tax added
- The total in Avero is without tax (Avero does not consider taxes to be sales)
- Micros total divided by Avero total is equal to 1 + tax rate
- Food and liquor may have different tax rates!
For check transfers:
- The source check will have the original items, qty, and price.
- The destination check has the transferred items at $0, 0 qty and the total transfer amount from Micros data.
- The transfer total may be $0 in some cases due to the way Micros stores the data.
In this case, the transfer checks do not have a transfer link in Avero
When items are transferred from one to check to another in a Micros 3700 system, the individual checks that are part of the transfer may not appear to total correctly in Avero. However, if you take the total value of all the checks involved in the transfer you should get the correct total. The differences in totals are directly related to how Micros stores the transfer totals in its POS database. The transfer total includes the tax amount.
For example: if you had a $10 item plus $1 tax on a check, the transfer amount would be $11. In order to more accurately track sales, the item remains on the original check in Avero, but the tax total remains with the payment. In our example, the original check would reflect the $10 item and an $11 transfer, resulting in a balance of -$1. The destination check would have no item on it, an $11 transfer on, and $1 in tax, resulting in a +$1 balance. When combined together the checks balance out properly, but this representation may not be intuitive to new users at first, but by displaying the checks in this format Avero is able to show a greater level of detail that includes all void, discount, transfer, and split activity.
Unfortunately, due to how tax information is stored in the Micros POS database and how Avero breaks tax out into individual tax types for reporting purposes, there is no way to accurately calculate how much tax is included in the transfer amount. Avero reads the total tax amount from the sale_dtl table in the Micros POS database and it is impossible to remove the tax from the transfer amount to try and balance the check. Often most, if not all, of the tax will end up on the final check in the sequence, even if that check was not the primary check where the payment was made.
Error Correct vs Void
Micros 3700 can report on "Error Corrects" - these occur when an employee enters an item into the POS on a check, but then deletes the item before sending it (a ticket is never sent to the bar or kitchen to prepare the item). These items were never ordered, so they aren't voided, the server simply removed the item before sending in the order, usually when they have accidentally applied an incorrect or extra item.
By default, Avero does not display error corrects because the item was never ordered but does display all voids, comps, and promotions. If you want to see these items on Avero checks, this can be done - open a ticket with Avero Support. Note that displaying these items on Avero checks will display a line item for the never-ordered item, showing 0 quantity and $0 price - we do not recommend this as it can be confusing if you use Avero to provide check reprints to customers.
Installation & Reinstallation on Micros 3700
Micros 3700 is one of the most common POS systems and in use by many customers. We allow our customers to save on the wait time and cost of an assisted installation by providing a supported installation process instead. If you are moving to Micros 3700 from another POS, installing Avero on your Micros 3700 system for the first time, or reinstalling after a server upgrade or change, you can simply and easily perform the installation! Or you, POS reseller can install the Avero Data Extraction Utility at the time they perform your server change or upgrade. Avero installation takes only a few minutes and has 4 basic steps.
- Prepare for the installation. This means following our Pre-Install Checklist which will make sure you have the access needed and that the data transfer will be marked safe by your system security by whitelisting Avero in your firewall (IT or your POS reseller can assist with this!).
- Retrieve your business information from our support team: Open a Reinstall Ticket
- Follow the Avero Installation Instructions.
- Our robust integration with Micros 3700 also includes the option to install our Right Now Agent to deliver sales in real-time via our mobile app. If your Micros 3700 server meets the Minimum System Requirements (available memory, CPU usage, etc) you can continue to Install Avero Right Now after the DEU is installed!
Installation extra step:
If your Micros DB is not in a default setup, you may need to configure the ODBC connection. If you have a special ODBC connection to use, enter it at this screen:
Regular Maintenance: Making Updates and Changes for Micros 3700
When changes or updates are needed who is responsible? If something appears incorrect or out-of-date, how should it be updated?
Change or Add a Meal Period in Micros 3700
Whenever meal periods are changed in Micros 3700 they will be reflected in the next export we receive from Micros 3700. Nothing needs to be done on the Avero side to approve/accept/map your meal periods. Feel free to make an update or add a meal period and see the data flow straight to Avero. Note that changes reflect data going forward.
Meal periods must cover the entire day, not missing a single minute, and cannot overlap even by one minute. For example, If Dinner starts at 16:00 (4:00 pm), Lunch needs to end at 15:59 (3:59 pm), not 16:00.
Important to note - Meal Period changes/additions will not automatically update your logbook or saved reports.
Change or Add a Revenue Center in Micros 3700
You can change or add revenue centers to your Micros 3700 configuration and see them reflected in Avero as soon as the next day. Changing a revenue center's name will only affect the data moving forward.
To add a revenue center, or move a revenue center from one outlet to another in Avero, use our Business Mapping Instructions
To add a new outlet for revenue centers to be routed to, open a ticket with Avero Support to create the new outlet. They will provide you then information to complete Business Mapping Instructions.
To change an outlet name, open a ticket with Avero Support. Changing the name of a revenue center must be done in Micros, but the business it reports to ('Business' box in report generator, name on the logbook) will be changed by Avero.
To remove an outlet, open a ticket with Avero Support to request it be removed from Avero. Doing so will remove access to the historical data which you may want for reports on previous years and cannot be undone, so be sure this is what you want before requesting.
Categories & Items in Micros 3700
Avero provides the following Global categories: Beverage, Food, Misc., Other, and Retail. The major and minor categories come from your POS.
To make changes to items you'll need to update Micros 3700 - changing an item name, price, or moving it between categories.
To make changes to major/minor categories you'll need to update Micros 3700 - changing category names, updating which items are in a category, making categories more specific, changing minor to major category relationships.
To make changes to global categories, you'll need to open a ticket and request Avero makes the change. For example, if Appetizers are appearing under Beverage and need to be moved to Food.
When creating new Categories, they may default to Other and require a ticket to update this mapping.
To read more see: Categories
Common Problems
It is very important to keep an active connection to your POS server should you ever need Avero Support to access the server and assist. Please visit our article on Remote Access to On-site Servers for more information on setting up and maintaining this connection.
Micros 3700 Missing Data
IMPORTANT: Micros 3700 truncates data after 12 days so data cannot be recovered. Missing data must be recovered immediately when noticed.
Missing data happens. We invest ourselves continuously into making this process faster and more reliable, but it is not, and will never be, error-proof. The internet goes down; equipment fails, bugs pop up, etc. Occasional delays are to be expected. For Micros 3700 systems, we provide you the ability to recover your own data on-demand, any time you notice it missing, in just a couple of clicks. This data is processed and loaded into the Avero platform automatically within 2 hours, so you don't have to wait for a support agent, have any back and forth, or wait an entire day to rerun your reports. You are able to select the date on a calendar and send it - which means you have your data when you need it.
Simple instructions that take less than three minutes are found here, see On-Premise Data Recovery: Missing / Incorrect Data
Data Discrepancies - Avero's sales data is not matching Micros 3700
If you notice your sales data is not matching up with your reports, there are three actions you need to complete:
- Make sure the data discrepancy exists in Avero by logging in and running a sales report. If you notice incorrect data in an emailed report, it may be related to email settings and not the data itself. See our troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting Email Reports with Missing or Incomplete Data
- Review the Differences between Micros 3700 & Avero to make sure this isn't the discrepancy you are noticing.
- Run a Consolidated Sales Report from Micros Reports for the date in question, Open a Data Ticket, attach the report and explain the discrepancy. Make sure to include the report, the date, and revenue center or location if you have access to several, as well as any examples you can provide.
Our team investigates all data discrepancies - due to the nature of our daily data extraction a single date and single-day sales report must be provided. We cannot investigate date ranges, but it is helpful to know if the issue is recurring and you can provide multiple dates.
Frequently Asked Questions About Micros 3700
Why don't Avero's sales look the same as my Micros 3700 or MyMicros reports?
See our above explanation: Differences between Micros 3700 & Avero
Why do I recover missing data myself?
We've invested in improvements to our data extraction capabilities and documentation so that it is easy for users to recover their data without relying on a back-and-forth with support. We believe this creates a better user experience. Now, when users on-site follow the instructions to recover data (it takes less than 1 minute) they get immediate results and the data is loaded into the Avero platform within 2 hours. You can also open a ticket to recover missing data, but it will not load until the next day. See for yourself here: Missing / Incorrect Data
Does Avero pull credit card information from my Micros 3700 system?
No. Avero pulls payment type information, such as what type of card is used and the amount of the payment from all systems. We can also pull payment reference information (what is contained depends on your configuration) from Micros 3700, if available. We do not have access to, collect, or store, full credit card numbers, though the last four digits can be displayed to identify checks and payments. Whether or not this is shown depends on your POS configuration.
Why do my meal periods in Avero not match my Micros 3700 report?
Sales by Meal Period may not match Micros Sales by Time Period reports and most likely won't. Avero assigns sales based on the check open time and Micros may not use the same logic. The total sales on the day should match, however.
If you are seeing an 'All Day' meal period, but don't have this programmed in Micros, it is usually because part of the day is either unassigned or overlapping.
If you are missing meal periods, then you most likely has overlapping meal periods configured. For Avero to properly pull meal periods they must not overlap, not even by one minute. A meal period needs to end at X:59 if the next one starts on the hour. The Meal Periods query inserts All Day if no meal periods are found.
Can I pull back / historical data from my Micros 3700 server?
No. Micros 3700 shortens the data after 2 weeks to improve storage and this makes it not extractable to Avero. 12-14 days back from today is the absolute limit of extractable data from Micros 3700.
If you are looking to extract recent data, instructions on running the data extraction are here: Missing / Incorrect Data