Have you updated your database credentials?
You are able to update the password in our Data Extraction Utility whenever you make a change or update your security.
In order to update your password, your DEU may require an update to enable this feature. If you encounter an error or don't see this option, perform an update using these instructions: DEU Update On Demand
If you have the current version, locate the Avero Data Extraction Utility and go to:
- Options > Common > File Transfer > Password.
The DEU icon looks like this:
SFTP Key Changes
Credentials are managed within our Data Extraction Utility, and for some cloud systems we access their export site directly. Some systems, such as Infogenesis ASP, will inform you of changes to their SFTP Keys for authentication. This does not affect Avero's data collection so you will not see an interruption in data. If you are on a cloud system and notice you are missing data - open a ticket and we'll look into it!.