Setting Up an Admin User
Available in: All subscription levels
Admin Users are users that manage the foundational aspects of your Avero system. They will have access to managing the following:
- Create New Users
- Deleting Users
- Business Access
- Team Access
- Special Roles
For the security of your business, Avero support does not provision user access including inviting and managing admin users, so if an admin is leaving make sure to designate a new admin before they go! Each organization is responsible for managing their admin and user access.
To designate someone as an Admin user, visit Users & Teams under Settings (top right, gear icon).
On the Manage Users tab, along with all of the user options, is a column for Admin with a toggle switch for each user. Toggle to Yes (turns blue) to grant admin access to this user.
For additional information on user management, please find additional guides below:
- User Management Best Practices
- Managing Users & Teams - From Invite to Delete
- User Management Explained