How to Audit and Clean your Avero User List
Sometimes user lists become out of date and require periodic cleanup. As a reminder, it is a best practice to remove outgoing employees from your user list as they leave to avoid having old users with access to your data. See User Management Best Practices for more best practices.
Only Avero Admins can add, edit, and delete users.
As an Avero Admin, you have control over who has access to your data in Avero and which reports they see when they sign in. Not sure if you're an Admin? Click on Settings in the top right corner of your Avero account. If you see Users and Teams, you're an Admin!
Please note: To protect your company's data, Avero Support is not able to change or provision user access. This must be done within your organization.
The User Management Page Diagram
How to Sort & View your list
In the Manage Users page, you will see action buttons across the top and a list of all users under businesses you have access to, with equal or lesser access (there may be additional users with access to your business that you don't see because they have a higher level of access).
You can sort and filter each column:
- To sort, click the column header to toggle between sorts
- To filter, hover over the column and click the menu button (three stacked lines) to open the filter box and make your selections
If a column has been filtered, you will see a Funnel Icon on that column header, so if you aren't seeing the user you're looking for and do see a funnel, clear the filters and look again.
Use these Filters to review and audit Users
Filters are available in each column, you can access the Filter Menu by selecting the three stacked lines in the column header. A Funnel icon indicates a filter is in use, so you know you are not looking at the full list:
Step 1: Business All Access
A first step should be auditing the users that have access to All businesses in your organization. Make sure this list is current and that you have multiple all-business admin users to help provision access to the properties/outlets/locations within your organization.
To filter: Select the Filter Menu (three stacked lines, in each column header) in the Business Access column and select only the All check box.
This returns a list of users with access to All businesses. Check the list for accuracy and make sure you have multiple all-business admins: User Management Best Practices
Step 2: Check your Team assignments
Use the Team column to limit viewing to a single team at a time. When reviewing a team, check that each team has multiple admin members and that business access and Special Roles are consistent across the team.
You can update all users on a team at once if you need to change business access or special roles for the entire team. Limit your view to a single team, then select all users, and use one of the available quick-update buttons to edit all users:
To edit the Team itself, use the Manage Teams tab.
Teams allow you to limit access to specific reporting and features to certain teams. For example, you may want your Supervisor team to have access to sales reporting, but not labor reporting. Set these limitations in Manage Teams.
Step 3: Admins & Special Roles
Review our User Management Best Practices for guidance on admin best practices. For all organizations, we recommend multiple All-Access Admins. An All-Access Admin should be an admin user, with access to all businesses in the organization, will all special roles, on the All-Access team or another team with access to all features. This means you have multiple corporate/home office admin users that can provide access for other users. We strongly recommend against a single admin, as when that user leaves you may find yourself stuck with no admin!
Special roles govern access to the setup and settings areas of Avero, like Logbook setup to edit and update logbook templates, or Labor Setup to map positions and departments. You can read more about this here: Special Roles Explained
When auditing users, make sure you have users with Special Roles. You can edit special roles for a group of users at once by selecting the relevant users (like all admins on a team) and using the Update Special Roles button.
In this example, we are looking for all admin users, on the All-Access Team, that have no special roles. See how we can apply multiple filters to get a focused list of users and add the required special roles to all 5 of them at once:
User Status - Reference Information
Avero keeps helpful user information on the user management page to reference and sort lists more conveniently. This includes a user's last login date and status. The available statuses are automatically assigned based on user activity.
- Active- an active user who has recently logged into Avero
- Inactive- a user that has current access but hasn't logged in and run a report in the last 45 days. In parentheses, you'll see how many days this user has been inactive. Some users may actively be using Avero through emailed reports, but not logging in every day and so show as inactive. Only logins with report activity reflect in Status. Please note: logbook activity does not update User Status, only reporting activity does.
- Invited- indicates a user that has been invited but hasn't yet followed the link and completed their profile. This user will not be able to sign in to Avero until they follow the invitation link and set up their profile.
- No Access- indicates a user whose access has been removed / a deleted user. This user is view-only, for reference information. Admin users cannot make changes to a deleted user, and you won't see a check box next to their name. This user will need to be reinvited.
Please note - we do not recommend using User Status information to audit users for deletion. Users may have an Inactive status if they have not recently logged in to run reporting, but they may be making notes in the Logbook daily or relying on emailed reports without needing to log in regularly.
How to Remove Users from your Business
Removing Users
To stop a user from accessing Avero, you must remove their access from all businesses.
Please Note: Users are not 'deleted' but all of their access is removed. You can view which users have been removed for your reference. InUser Management, click the 'Status' filter and set to 'No Access' to view former users.
To remove a user, complete the following steps:
- Click on Settings in the top right corner of Avero and select Users & Teams.
- On the Manage Users tab, find the row of the user whose access you are going to remove.
- Select that row by clicking the checkbox in the first column.
- Click the Remove Access button in the header of the table.
- In the warning prompt that follows, click the Remove button.
What does removing a user do?
Removing a user will:
- Delete their access to your business(es) - their username and password will no longer work to log in to Avero. This cannot be undone. Once a user is removed they will have to be invited as a new user to regain access.
- Discontinue their scheduled reports - If you remove a user that created scheduled reports, such as your logbook, overtime report, or weekly beverage sales report, these reports will stop. They should be recreated under a current user who can manage them.
- Remove them from scheduled reports - If the user is currently set to receive scheduled reports created by someone else, they will no longer receive these reports.
Removing a user will not:
- Notify the user that they have been deleted
- Bar them from being invited or reinvited to Avero
- Remove reports that have already been emailed to them from their email inbox