Avero's Group Labor by Hour Report
Available in: Professional subscriptions only
Looking to cut down on labor costs? The Group Labor by Hour report will help you decide where you can reduce your labor expenses without damaging the guest experience. There are often busy and lull times in your business and the Group Labor by Hour report will help you identify which of your locations is operating the most efficiently. Looking at all locations on one report will also help you easily compare staffing strategies and determine where there are areas of opportunity in your organization.
In this article, the following topics will be discussed:
- Running a Group Labor by Hour report
- Viewing the Group Labor by Hour Report
- Labor by Hour Trend Reports
Running a Group Labor by Hour report
The Group Labor by Hour report is located under the Labor tab in Avero.
This report will default to show you an hourly breakdown of Regular Hours worked for yesterday's data at all locations.
Group Hourly Labor Filters:
Attributes and Tags - Group Like Businesses
Attributes and Tags are fully customizable and will help you organize all of the businesses within your enterprise, into distinct groups based on similar characteristics.
Example: if a "Region" attribute is selected, then the next step would be to select the specific region you want to analyze. Once selected, the businesses with that pertain to that specific region will group together. Tags will then extract businesses from that grouping.
To learn more about attributes and tags, reference this article.
This box will display all businesses you have access to.
You can choose as many as you like to include in this report. If you do not see a business here that you should, reach out to your Avero Admin to adjust your access. If you do not know who your Avero Admin is please contact our Support team. They can guide you to the right person within your organization
Although it is called the Labor by Hour report, you can adjust the time interval to display shorter time periods. You are able to organize the report by shift, 1 hour, 30 or 15-minute increments. This will help you determine exactly where you can cut some costs with labor.
Job Class
Avero reflects the Job Classes as they are defined in your POS or Time Clock system. These are also tied to departments such as Front of House, Back of House, etc.
This is the meat of your report. Each report within Avero has a defined number of metrics that can be included in one report. We have defined all of the metric options on the Metrics page.
Labor metrics include both cost-based metrics and productivity-based metrics. Cost metrics let you know what you are actively spending in labor expenses. Productivity metrics allow you to identify where your labor dollars are being wasted and find opportunities for better scheduling or changes in SOPs.
Viewing the Group Labor by Hour Report
The Group Labor by Hour visualization is displayed as a line graph. When viewing the graph, keep the following in mind:
- Each line represents each business selected in the Report Generator.
- Omit a business by clicking the colored bubble next to the business you wish to exclude.
- Use the speedometer icon to pin this visualization to one of your dashboards.
The Group Labor by Hour report also displays the data in a table format. When viewing the table, keep the following in mind:
- All of the businesses will be listed along the left column.
- Use the drop-down menu to view the report by department or job class.
- Drill into the outlet level Labor by Hour report for more detail by clicking on the business names, which are displayed as blue hyperlinks.
Labor by Hour Trend Reports
Trend Reporting is a helpful way to analyze averages or see incremental changes over time. In Summary or Detail reports (such as Group Sales Summary or Item Sales Detail) each day is displayed side by side. In Hourly Labor reports (such as this report or Item Sales by Hour / Hourly PMIX Report) the columns are used to display the activity for each hour or incremental portion of the day, so the average for the trend is displayed.
This means that running an Hourly Labor Trend for the last 15 Mondays will show you the average labor over the last 15 Mondays for each hour of the day (or down to 15-minute increments). This is a great tool for scheduling smarter based on recent trends and your actual performance:
This report shows an average across 7 recent Mondays, with the average total labor hours for each hour of the day. You can choose to view the table summarized by each Business, Department, or Job Class.
Summarizing by Business helps to compare different locations or outlets against each other.
Summarizing by Department or Job Class allows you to review the group's performance as a whole in each of these discrete teams:
The visual allows you to see each location's performance and how they compare:
You can use the average Covers or average Checks to see customer volume - how many guests or tables are served - compared to the labor you have on the clock in the same interval. Is there enough support for the peak demand periods? Are shifts staggered to low-demand times are not overstaffed?
Get this report every Friday:
Set up an Email Schedule
Click on the envelope to set up an email schedule
...or Pin it to your Dashboard.
Click on the Speedometer to add to your Dashboard. (hint: make sure you have selected a trended or dynamic date type)