Avero's Group Overtime Report
Available in: Professional subscriptions only
In order to manage your labor costs and minimize your overhead, it is crucial to pay attention to and minimize your overtime, however possible. With the Group Overtime report, you can monitor the overtime trends of your enterprise to hold all locations accountable, keep overtime in control at a higher level, and identify best practices to share across your locations.
In this article, the following topics will be discussed:
Running a Group Overtime Report
The Group Overtime report is located within the Labor tab in Avero. When you first run the report, the default will show you the pay-week, week to date summation of hours worked as of yesterday for all employees at all businesses within your profile.
Every Avero report has a unique Report Generator to help you filter your results using metric filters. This is the meat of your report. Each report within Avero has a defined number of metrics that can be included in one report. We have defined all of the metric options on the Metrics page.Once you've made your choices, hit Go. For instructions on how to utilize the Report Generator, reference this article.
Using Attributes and Tags
Attributes and Tags are fully customizable and will help you organize all of the businesses within your enterprise, into distinct groups based on similar characteristics.
Example: if a "Region" attribute is selected, then the next step would be to select the specific region you want to analyze. Once selected, the businesses with that pertain to that specific region will group together. Tags will then extract businesses from that grouping.
To learn more about attributes and tags, reference this article.
Job Class
Avero reflects the Job Classes as they are defined in your POS (if labor is integrated into your POS) or time clock system. These are also tied to departments, such as Front of House or Back of House.
Hours to Overtime
Using this filter allows you to narrow down the report to only employee's below a threshold of hours left prior to going into overtime. This filter allows you to very quickly identify who within your staff is going to reach overtime the soonest. Run a quick report with < 4 selected to see who among your servers should be cut first.
Viewing the Group Overtime Report
The Group Overtime visualization is displayed as a bar graph. When viewing the bar graph, keep the following in mind:
- A bar will be displayed for each employee.
- Scroll down to see all employees.
- Use the drop down menus to toggle between departments and metrics.
- Use the speedometer icon to pin this report to one of your dashboards to easily access this report at any time.
In the Group Overtime report, you can also view the data in a table format. When viewing the table, keep the following in mind:
- When viewing by Business, you will see all employees categorized by business.
- You can view the information by Department to see across multiple locations. This will tell you which departments are experiencing the most overtime.
- Click the + and - signs to expand or collapse a business or department
What if I have employees that work in multiple outlets / locations?
The Group Payroll Report recognizes that the same employee may work at multiple outlets or locations, a practice especially common at hotel or casino properties with multiple outlets in one large operation.
Avero will combine employees that work across multiple businesses based on a “Labor Employee Map Metric”. This metric will be assigned at the organization or "parent" level in the Avero database. By default, it will be Employee ID, however, it can also be set to (First and Last Name) or (Payroll ID#). This mapping will be used in the Group Payroll and Group Overtime reports to combine the entries for employees that have worked in multiple outlets, so that you do not see two line items for one employee that worked in multiple venues.
Get the overtime report sent automatically every Friday:
Set up an Email Schedule...
Click the Envelope to set up an email schedule.
...Or Pin it to your Dashboard.
Click the Speedometer to add to your Dashboard. (hint: make sure you've chosen a trended or dynamic date type).