Avero's Group Labor Summary Report
Available in: Essentials and Professional subscriptions
Let's face it, labor is a tricky thing to manage and very expensive. You need employees to run a business but how can you make sure you are staffing to drive profit? The Group Labor Summary report is the perfect place to start. Use this report to keep an eye on your labor costs. If you see something unusual or concerning you can drill down into the outlet level reports for more detail.
In this article, the following topics will be discussed:
Running a Group Labor Summary Report
The Group Labor Summary Report is located under the Labor tab in Avero. As long as you have access to two or more businesses, you will have access to this report.
The default settings on this report are set up to show a summary of yesterday's labor costs for all your businesses.
Using Attributes and Tags
Attributes and Tags are fully customizable and will help you organize all of the businesses within your enterprise, into distinct groups based on similar characteristics.
Example: if a "Region" attribute is selected, then the next step would be to select the specific region you want to analyze. Once selected, the businesses with that pertain to that specific region will group together. Tags will then extract businesses from that grouping.
To learn more about attributes and tags, reference this article.
Select for the following to run your report:
This box will display all businesses you have access to. You can choose as many as you like to include in this report.
If you do not see a business here that you should, reach out to your Avero Admin to adjust your access. If you do not know who your Avero Admin is please contact our Support team. They can guide you to the right person within your organization.
Job Class
Job Classes are reflected in Avero as they are defined in your POS or Time Clock system. Job Classes are also tied to departments such as, Front of House, Back of House, etc.
You can define shifts in Avero by identifying different parts of the day as a shift. For instance, you could identify the times for Lunch, Dinner and Swing as different shifts.
Metric Filters
This is the meat of your report. Each report within Avero has a defined number of metrics that can be included in one report. We have defined all of the metric options on the Metrics page.
Labor metrics include both cost-based metrics and productivity-based metrics. Cost metrics let you know what you are actively spending in labor expenses. Productivity metrics allow you to identify where your labor dollars are being wasted and find opportunities for better scheduling or changes in SOPs.
Viewing the Group Labor Summary Report
The Group Labor Summary visualization is displayed as a bar graph. When viewing the bar graph, keep the following in mind:
- One bar will represent one business.
- Use the drop down menus to toggle between the metrics you selected.
- Use the speedometer icon to pin this to your Dashboard.
The Group Labor Summary report will also display the data in a table format. When viewing the table, keep the following in mind:
- Each business will be listed on the left-hand side.
- Use the drop down menu to view by business, job class, or department.
- Click on the hyperlinked number under the Total Pay column to drill down into an outlet level labor summary.
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