Avero Error Messages
Sometimes when navigating Avero you may encounter an error message, error messages display when something isn't available or isn't working as it should. Find your error message in this list for more information.
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- You do not have access to this report.
- Sorry, we were not able to process this request.
- Something went wrong! If the issue persists please contact Avero Support.
- No Logbooks Available.
- Sorry, we were not able to load special roles. Please try again, refresh the page...
- Please select mandatory filter: Job Class
You do not have access to this report.
This indicates that this report is not available to you - which may be related you your user's access level or your business's subscription level.
For example, if you have access to only one business, you will see this message appear when attempt to run a 'Group' report. Or if you are on Avero's Starter Tier, you may see this message when attempting to run a Sales by Hour report (not included at that subscription level.
First, if you know you should be able to see this report reach out to your admin and ask that they update your permissions to include access. Access is governed by Special Roles: Special Roles Explained
If you do not see the section at all in your Navigation Pane, ask your admin to make sure your Team has access to this section of Avero: User Management Explained
If this may be subscription-related, open a ticket with Avero Support to investigate. They may connect you with Avero Sales to update your subscription.
Sorry, we were not able to process this request.
This error usually occurs when running a very large report. If you have many outlets or are running a report for a very long timeframe, it can be too large for the system to display in the platform, or too large to send via email. Try reducing the time frame or number of outlets and trying again. If you still have an issue, open a ticket with Avero Support.
Something went wrong! If the issue persists please contact Avero Support.
This error message is delivered when something isn't working as it should for an unknown reason. Typically this can be resolved by logging out, clearing your browser's cache, and logging in again. You can also review the article or guide on how to complete the action you are attempting to make sure you aren't missing a step.
This message may appear in different formats depending on the solution you are using when the error is generated. In some cases, an alert is automatically sent to the Avero support team.
No Logbooks Available.
This indicates that logbooks have not yet been enabled for your business(es). Instructions for enabling logbooks are here: Logbook Admin: Logbook Management
Sorry, we were not able to load special roles. Please try again, refresh the page...
This error is generated in User Management if you click on 'Special Roles' to edit existing users or 'Assign Roles' in invite new users if you do not have any special roles assigned to you. If you do not have special roles assigned to your user, you do not have permission to grant them to others, even if you are an admin user.
Please select mandatory filter...
Job Class
This error is generated when a user attempts to run a Labor Report (such as Labor Summary Report) but Labor Setup has not yet been completed for this business/outlet. Complete the labor setup and the reports will run as expected.
This error is generated when a user attempts to run a Category Report, but the report day has missing or partial data. Please follow this link for instructions on how to Resend data
If resending your data to Avero does not fix the issue, please submit a ticket to support saying you need your business' Categories updated. Once your categories are updated by our support team, reports should run as expected.