Export Setup for Micros Simphony Cloud
To connect Micros Simphony Cloud and Avero there are a few steps first for you and Oracle, then for Avero. The integration is dependent on your team working directly with Oracle to enable the Avero Custom GL Export. Avero does not have any access or ability to set up the export and cannot assist in escalating with Oracle, they require the Oracle customer (that's your team) to request any tickets or escalations. Once the data is sent to Avero, we can connect it to your Avero platform!
First: Reach out to Simphony Oracle Support and open a Service Request (SR), asking to enable Avero Custom GL Export and email to microsasp@averoinc.com. **It is also recommended to include at least 1 internal email to the distribution. This allows you to easily confirm the export is enabled and can be used as an alert when Avero does not receive the daily export or if the export falls behind (sends a file that does not include prior days data).
- Oracle will respond with a quote and a timeline for the export to be enabled.
- The export has quite a few custom fields that will need to be enabled, such as “Day Parts” & “Employee Details”
NOTE: All Export IDs (GL Codes) must be unique and may only contain Alpha and Numeric characters. No special characters should be used. This means we cannot accept any exports with a default ID (such as "Rest" or "Location1") or special characters (such as * ! @ # $ & ( ) % ^ ). |
Once the export is created: Notify Avero of the active export and provide Avero with the GL Code (aka organizational number) by filling out the provided technical form. Ask Oracle to provide you with the File Name for the export if you don't know the GL Code, it will be contained in the file name: CustomGLExport_GLCODE_MMDDYY.zip
- Avero will verify the export is being sent to our servers via a custom email address ‘microsasp@averoinc.com’.
- Avero will also verify that the export has the correct file name; CustomGLExport_GLCODE_MMDDYY.zip, where MMDDYYYY is the business date contained in the file a GLCODE is the GL Code provided by Micros.
- Avero will examine the contents of the export to make sure the custom fields were enabled, and the data is correct.
- After verification is complete the Avero team will proceed with the installation and perform a quality assurance check; you may be asked to provide reports for this process so we can verify that the data is sending correctly.
Avero installation will take 1-2 weeks to complete once the export is sending to Avero daily.
If Oracle doesn't provide you with your "GL Code" or you don't know it, discover it by following these instructions.
These instructions may vary based on which version of Simphony R&A is in use at your property.
Discover your GL Code / Organization ID
Open EMC
Select Enterprise / Organization level
Enterprise Parameters module > Reporting & Analytics tab
Organization ID
This Organization is your GL Code for the purposes of the Avero Export, it must be a unique value and not a default (Rest) or generic (200) ID.
What are some common problems we see setting up an Oracle Export?
I'm being asked to fill out an excel sheet with data points needed, but I need help!
This is an error on Oracle's side - the spreadsheet requested applies to Oracle's Standard GL Export and you need to request the Avero Custom GL Export, the Standard GL Export is not compatible with the Avero integration as key data points are not available.
Avero is telling me they are not receiving the export!
Enabling, scheduling, and sending the Avero Custom GL Export is done entirely by Oracle and once complete, we need your unique GL Code from Oracle to be able to access and read the export. There is nothing the Avero Install Team can do to advance your installation until we are receiving data daily from Oracle.
This doesn't mean there is nothing you can do, however! Avero gives you immediate access so you can set up your logbooks, invite new users, and review training materials. You can also follow up directly with Oracle for an update on their progress with preparing and sending your data. If you have any questions, Avero's Support team is there to help, just open a ticket.
The integration is dependent on your team working directly with Oracle to enable the Avero Custom GL Export. Avero does not have any access or ability to set up the export and cannot assist in escalating with Oracle, they require the Oracle customer (that's your team) to request any tickets or escalations.
Oracle said the export was sending, but Avero says they aren't receiving it!
When requesting Oracle enable the export, the Oracle team will sometimes send a set of test dates that they push through but the scheduled export is not yet sending. To avoid missing data and repeated follow-up the Avero Install Team usually does not perform the installation until the regular exports are coming through at the daily scheduled time. This is important to make sure they are coming at the right time daily and containing the necessary information in the correct format, so that you can hit the ground running and know your data is there when you need it.
It also occurs sometimes that Oracle begins sending the export but then a problem is experienced and they stop or a date is skipped and the export is a day or more behind - this requires an update on Oracle's side before Avero can proceed.