Creating an Avero User
Only Avero admin users have the power to invite new users and remove old users. You'll be invited by the Avero admin for your business, if they are not sure how to do this, they can find instructions here: Create New Users
If your admin is having trouble inviting you, see our troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting Inviting a New User
You're Invited!
There are three steps to creating your Avero user once invited:
1. Accept the Invitation
Once you receive an email invitation, you'll click the invite link in your email:
2. Create Username and Password
This will navigate to Avero's user creation page, where you will enter a unique username, password, and confirm the password. The username and password need to follow the listed security requirements and the passwords must match. If the Submit button is grayed out or does not allow to proceed, check your entries carefully.
3. Create User Profile
Now that your username and password are created, you're on to the final step. You must set up your personal information in your user profile, set your preferences like timezone and date format, and accept the Terms & Conditions. Note the Preferences are required fields and make sure you complete all steps. You won't be able to log in to Avero and run reports until this step is completed.
Your page when logging in will default to your dashboard. Below we will describe how to find User Profile, Settings Menu, Navigation Pane, Training & Support Menu, and Productivity Tools.
When you are logged in, the top right will contain the links to your:
and Settings Menu
Note that your settings menu may have more or fewer options, all of the Special Roles that are assigned to you will appear here, such as Users & Teams or Inventory Setup
The bottom right will contain a big purple question mark - this is where you will launch trainings, ask questions, open support tickets, and access our Knowledge Base.
The left-hand side contains a collapsable menu with all the sections you have access to based on your subscription tier. This is how you will navigate to specific reports:
There are sections such as Sales, Labor, Revenue Management, click on a section to expand it and select specific report/analysis types.
We also have some productivity tools in tabs along the top:
Find more information on these here:
Great Job!
Now you are ready to try some Training, check out our Training Resources!