Avero Group Sales Summary
Available in: All subscription levels
We understand it's important to be able to track and compare key metrics across multiple businesses in one view. You can use the Group Sales Summary to track sales across your locations or compare your locations to one another using a variety of metrics.
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How to Run a Group Sales Summary
As is the case with most reports in Avero, you will be generating these reports using the Report Generator. The Report Generator will default to show you yesterday's data at all selected businesses including Cover Count, Check Count, Gross Sales, % of Gross Sales and Net Sales, but you can remove any of these metrics or add more using the Report Generator, just make sure you click on the Go button after you make any changes.
Want us to walk you through it?
If you're currently logged into Avero, click to launch our pop-up guide to see how: How To: Run a Group Sales Summary Report
You must be logged in to launch the guide, open another tab in your browser and log in before clicking the guide link!
Attributes and Tags
Attributes and Tags are optional and fully customizable to help you organize your businesses into distinct groups based on similar characteristics. Some examples include Location, Concept, and Service Type.
Attributes group and subtotal businesses together based on specific traits. Selecting a specific attribute groups together businesses by the shared attribute you selected. Some examples of common attributes include Region, Concept, or Service Type.
Tags further narrow down the groupings within an Attribute. Tags allow you to filter businesses from these groupings while keeping the main attribute at the center of the comparison. For example: if a “Region” attribute is selected then your Tags for that attribute would include a list of regions. When generating a report, you would select which Tags (in this case regions) you want to group together in your report.
This box will display all businesses you have access to. You can choose as many businesses as you would like to include in this report. If you do not see a business here that you should, reach out to your organization’s Avero Administrator to adjust your access. If you do not know who your Avero Administrator is, please open a ticket and they will guide you to the right person within your organization
Date Filters: There are three ways to use Date as a filter on an Avero Group Sales Summary report.
Range:Running a report for a range of time will total the sales from that time frame on your report. There are a few types of date range you can select.
The next few options are called Dynamic Date Ranges. These are important when you are scheduling reports or adding them to your Dashboard.
Trend:Using Trend date filters lets you compare sales from like time periods side by side
We'll default to show the end date of the report as yesterday unless you select the box to enter a custom end date.
Comparison:Looking to compare YOY? Use the Comparison date filter.
Scroll down to choose if you'd like to compare the same days or the same dates of your custom entries. |
Metric Filters
This is the meat of your report. Each report in Avero has a defined number of metrics that can be included in one report, just select the ones you need if you pick too many we'll let you know. There are are many metrics to choose from so we have defined them all in the Metrics Glossary page.
Revenue Center, Meal Period, and Order Type Filters
After selecting the Date filter you can also choose to drill into sales by Revenue Center, Meal Period, or Order Type. All of these filters are reflective of your POS configuration. These filters will allow you to make your reports more specific.
For example, you can use these filters to understand your dining room sales (RVC Filter) during dinner (Meal Period Filter) that were to-go orders (Order Type Filter).
The Report
The Group Sales Summary Visualization will be a bar graph with a bar to represent each location. You can toggle between the metrics you selected in the Report Generator using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the visualization.
The table version of a Group Sales Summary will display the locations you selected in the far left-hand column and the metrics you chose will be columns along the top row. You can click on the hyperlinked business name to drill into a Category Sales report for the location you click on. This Category Sales report will keep the same filters you chose in the Group Sales Summary.
Want to see this report on a recurring basis? Set up an Email Schedule or Pin it to your Dashboard.
Click the Envelope to set up an email schedule. | Click the Speedometer to add to your Dashboard. |