Setting Up Your Avero Profile
Available in: All subscription levels
When you receive an email invitation, follow the link to set up your Avero profile.
The invitations will be sent from New users may need to check their spam or junk folders if they do not see the invite in their inbox.
The email will include a setup link. Users will follow the link and use that pin number to create their own username and password. Take care when selecting a Username as these are Case-Sensitive and cannot be changed. Usernames and passwords have a 16-character limit.
Edit Your Avero Profile
Each User has access to settings in their profile that are under their control. Click on your initials in the top right corner and select Profile.
There you can:
- Edit your Name or Position
- Change your email address - click the pencil next to the current email address and enter the new one (this requires email verification)
- Add an alternate email and a phone number (these are optional)
- Set your preferences for Date and Time Format, Temperature Scale, and Time Zone
If you are looking to make other changes to your access, you may need to ask your restaurant's administrator.
They are able to:
- Change Business Access (give the user access to view the data at more or fewer locations)
- Change Team (Users can only be assigned to one team)
- Change Special Role (allows to customize what information a user has access to - such as inventory or finance)
- Resend Invitation (if a newly invited user has trouble)
- Reset Password (emails the user to reset their password)
- Remove Access (remove the user's access entirely)