Group Like Businesses: Attributes and Tags
Attributes and Tags are fully customizable and will help you organize all of the businesses within your enterprise, into distinct groups based on similar characteristics. For 'properties' such as Hotels or Casinos with multiple outlets under one location, the Property (Standard) attribute is automatically configured for all included businesses. This allows users to run reports for the Property and enable a Property-level logbook. The automatically applied Property (Standard) attribute cannot be changed, if corrections are needed, open a ticket with Avero Support. You can have multiple attributes and tags for a business.
In this article, the following topics will be discussed:
- What are Attributes and Tags and How Do They Work?
- Accessing Attributes and Tags
- Creating & Editing Attributes and Tags
- Why can't I see Attributes & Tags even though I have the Special Role enabled?
Want us to walk you through it? Try our pop-up walkthrough guide to setting up Attributes & Tags. If you are a user with access to Attributes & Tags Setup, log into Avero on another tab in your browser and click this link: Pop-up Guide: Attributes and Tags
What are Attributes and Tags and How Do They Work?
What is an attribute? Attributes group businesses together based on specific traits. The attribute stacks together businesses organizing them by the same attribute shared. For example, a “Region” attribute would allow you to select the regions you want to focus on (e.g. Southwest) so you don't have to select those businesses individually.
What is a tag? Tags filter businesses to match the selected tags, narrowing down the groupings of businesses by taking out businesses that don’t pertain to the tag selected. For example, if you select the tag cuisine and choose "Mexican," only outlets that have been tagged as Mexican cuisine outlets will appear.
What is the Property (Standard) attribute and how is it different? For 'properties' such as Hotels or Casinos with multiple outlets under one location, the Property (Standard) attribute is automatically configured for all included businesses. This allows users to run reports for the Property and enable a Property-level logbook. The automatically applied Property (Standard) attribute cannot be changed, if corrections are needed, open a ticket with Avero Support. You can have custom attributes and tags in addition to the standard property designation.
Property (Standard) attributes will appear Orange in contrast to the custom attributes, which appear with a gray background. Orange attributes cannot be edited.
Accessing Attributes and Tags
To locate attributes and tags, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the gear icon, located in the top-right corner.
- Click on Attributes & Tags.
Creating & Editing Attributes and Tags
- Select an Attribute/Tag type, or create a new one by pressing Add. From the example above, an attribute type is Region, or a tag type is Cuisine.
- Note: Attribute names have a character limit of 30 characters. If you do not see your new attribute listed after attempting to create, try shortening the name.
- Select the Attribute/Tag you want to add to the business, or create a new one by pressing Add. From the example above, the attribute is Southwest, and the tag is "Mexican."
- Search the businesses you want to add the Attribute/Tag to and select them. You can select multiple businesses at once.
- Click Assign to assign the Attribute/Tag to the business(es). Note: once you've clicked "Assign to," be sure to deselect the businesses before assigning a new Attribute/Tag to a new business or set of businesses.
- Come back to this page if you want to make edits to the names, delete Attributes/Tags, or remove Attributes/Tags from any businesses.
Note - Property (Standard) attributes cannot be edited by users, if corrections are required open a ticket with Avero Support.
Running Property Reports
Using the automatically applied Property attribute you can run reports for all outlets at your hotel or casino with one click! In the report generator, select your property and the correct businesses will be chosen for you, then set your date and metrics and run your report!
Why can't I see Attributes & Tags even though I have the Special Role enabled?
Attributes and tags are used to organize multiple businesses, if you have access to only one business it will not be available even if you have the special role enabled.