How to Protect Your Profits with the Smart Search Feature in Avero's Check Search Tool
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These are common red flags for identifying employee errors, training opportunities, data quality issues, fraud, and theft.
All Checks With Promotions
This is a great place to begin your deep dive into your investigation of potential fraud and theft. You can utilize additional filters as well as the column shift to refine your search to allow for a deep dive into common red flags. You can uncover possible issues such as servers learning manager codes to comp items or abuse from managers themselves. It may not always be intentional and can also lead to better checks and balances of promotion management and implementing new processes to create barriers to prevent future loss in profits.
- Checks with the Largest Promotions - Understanding what is the main cause in comped checks is important and sometimes leads to misuse.
- Review Check Promotion Types - Commonly misused used comps are employee meals, customer dislike, or server error. Managers can be abusing this perk and begin comping checks for friends and family or using it on larger ticket items that may not be part of the agreed-upon value. Large checks that are comped for server dislike should be communicated and documented in your logbook. Compare checks with logbook notes to ensure this comp is being used correctly and issues are handled if needed.
- Checks closed at the end of the night with promotions - It is a common practice to "save time" by transferring checks to a single check that is comped and closed at the end of the night. Check for the latest comped check to see if this is a current practice as it is not recommended. It creates ease of theft and does not help you with managing customer situations that should be handled before the guest leaves.
Find out more in our Preventing Promotion and Void Abuse Scams article!
All Checks With Promotions with Cash Payments
Building onto promotions by adding cash payments. This added layer is very important as a common theft tool is having items comped after the customer has paid or the check is still open and then pocketing the cash. Check for server frequency on these checks. The best way to prevent this loss is forcing management table visits for any comps that involve poor service or customer dissatisfaction. This allows you to personally make right with the customer and ensure that fraud is not occurring.
All Checks With Promotions with Cash Payments and Transfers
Item combinations that are regularly sold can be a useful tool in server theft. Simple, repeat tickets such as a drink and the lunch soup/salad special can be reused from table to table until a credit card is used while the tables paying in cash go right to the server's pocket. Check for Servers with the highest number of checks in this bucket.
All Checks With Voids
This is a great place to begin your deep dive into your investigation of potential fraud and theft. You can utilize additional filters and the column shift to refine your search to allow a deep dive into common red flags. You can uncover possible issues such as servers voiding their own items, or not providing a void reason, or voiding items that were actually made, thereby incurring the production cost, that should have been comped instead of voided.
- Checks with the Largest Voids - Why would many voids occur on a single check? Look into the checks with multiple voided items and ensure there is a legitimate business reason. If this is a common occurrence, address void practices directly with your team.
- Review Check Void Types - Are your reasons specific to the regularly occurring reasons? Look at all voids together is an opportunity to see at-a-glance what mistakes are being made and address them holistically across your business to reduce errors and improve your guest experience.
- Checks closed at the end of the night with Voids - It is a common practice to "save time" by transferring checks to a single check that is comped and closed at the end of the night. It creates ease of theft and does not help you with managing customer situations that should be handled before the guest leaves.
Find out more in our Preventing Promotion and Void Abuse Scams article!
All Checks With Voids with Cash Payments
Building onto Voids by adding cash payments. This added layer is very important as a common theft tool is removing items after the customer has paid or the check is still open and then pocketing the cash. Check for server frequency on these checks.
All Checks With Voids with Cash Payments and Transfers
Item combinations that are regularly sold can be a useful tool in server theft. Simple, repeat tickets such as a drink and the lunch soup/salad special can be reused from table to table until a credit card is used while the tables paying in cash go right to the server's pocket. Check for Servers with the highest number of checks in this bucket.