Avero & Lightspeed U-SeriesPOS
Formerly known as Upserve or Breadcrumb.
Lightspeed U-Series is supported for Sales data and Labor data.
Avero processes and presents data from your Lightspeed U-Series POS for your analysis and insight. This article details how to handle POS changes, make updates to this data, and how to handle discrepancies or problems you might encounter. For some things, such as adding meal periods or revenue centers, you must complete the action on your side in order for it to be reflected in Avero (maybe with the help of your POS reseller or IT technician) and for some changes, such as global category associations, you'll need to reach out to our support team.
Please note: Lightspeed offers multiple POS options. This article is specific to U-Series POS, if you are using Lightspeed L-Series use that POS Guide for reference. Avero does not have an integration with Lightspeed K-Series.
In this article:
- About Lightspeed U-Series POS
- Installation & Reinstallation
- Regular Maintenance: Making Updates and Changes
- Common Problems
- Frequently Asked Questions About Lightspeed U-Series
About Lightspeed U-Series POS
POS Type: Cloud
Installing Avero is free for most systems, Lightspeed U-Series may incur a charge for installation/reinstallation due to complexity.
Lightspeed U-Series by Lightspeed is a popular cloud-based POS system that supplies Avero with data via an API. Once your end-of-day is processed, the sales for your restaurant are exported to and stored for Avero to retrieve. Avero retrieves the sales files each day and loads them into Avero for your reporting and analysis.
Differences between Lightspeed U-Series & Avero
Avero represents both Order Types and Revenue Centers. Lightspeed U-Series displays order types as revenue centers, but you will see them differentiated in Avero. Revenue Centers are areas that produce sales and defined usually by a physical area, such as Bar and Dining Room. Order Types are ways a customer may order, such as 'To-Go' or 'Dine-in'. How you configure your POS to use these different features is entirely up to you, both are available as filters for reporting in Avero.
Taxes and Comps/Promotions may not match up because Lightspeed U-Series displays the taxes associated with comps/promotions as a separate line item, however, if you subtract taxes from the comps the reports should match.
When reviewing your Sales, note that Avero sales will not include taxes and check-level promotions may make Category Sales appear different but the totals will match up. Net Sales between Avero and Lightspeed U-Series will always match.
You can read more about this here: Understand Gross Sales and Net Sales
Installation & Reinstallation on Lightspeed U-Series
Lightspeed U-Series is a cloud-based POS and is very easy to install. Installing Lightspeed U-Series has two main steps:
Step 1 - Set Up Access
First, you must set up access so Avero can pull your data. Two things need to be set up - Email Reports and API Access.
Set Up Email Reports
Log in to https://hq.breadcrumb.com with your username and password
Click on Users > Roles
Click Add and then Done to create a new role
Label this role “Avero” and scroll down to the Breadcrumb HQ Access section to check off the Reports permission
Save this new role
Click Users
Click New User
Name the new user “Avero Reporting” and give it the Avero role
Add the email address remoteaccess@averoinc.com
Click Save to add the user
Set Up API Access
Log in to https://hq.breadcrumb.com with your username and password
Click on Settings > Integration Partners
Under API Credentials, check for Avero
If credentials do not exist then you must create them
Click Add API Partner
Set the Username in the format avero_businessname
Step 2 - Fill Out Technical Form
Fill out this form with all your POS information. Make sure the above step is completed before submitting the form.
Regular Maintenance: Making Updates and Changes for Lightspeed U-Series
When changes or updates are needed who is responsible? If something appears incorrect or out-of-date, how should it be updated?
Change or Add a Meal Period in Lightspeed U-Series
Whenever meal periods are changed in Lightspeed U-Series they will be reflected in the next export we receive from your POS. Nothing needs to be done on the Avero side to approve/accept/map your meal periods. Feel free to make an update or add a meal period and see the data flow straight to Avero. Note that changes reflect data going forward.
Important to note - Meal Period changes/additions will not automatically update your logbook or saved reports.
Change or Add a Revenue Center in Lightspeed U-Series
You can change or add revenue centers to your Lightspeed U-Series configuration and see them reflected in Avero as soon as the next day. Changing a revenue center's name will only affect the data moving forward. Avero Support cannot change or edit your revenue centers for you.
Categories & Items in Lightspeed U-Series
Avero provides the following Global categories: Beverage, Food, Misc., Other, and Retail. The major and minor categories come from your POS.
To make changes to items you'll need to update your POS - changing an item name, price, or moving it between categories.
To make changes to major/minor categories you'll need to update your POS - changing category names, updating which items are in a category, making categories more specific, changing minor to major category relationships.
To make changes to global categories, you'll need to open a ticket and request Avero makes the change. For example, if Appetizers are appearing under Beverage and need to be moved to Food.
When creating new Categories, they may default to Other and require a ticket to update this mapping.
To read more see: Categories
Common Problems
Lightspeed U-Series Missing Data
Missing data happens. We invest ourselves continuously into making this process faster and more reliable, but it is not, and will never be, error-proof. The internet goes down; equipment fails, bugs pop up, etc. Occasional delays are to be expected. For your system, simply open a ticket and list the dates you need Avero Support to run.
Data Discrepancies - Avero's sales data is not matching Lightspeed U-Series
If you notice your sales data is not matching up with your Lightspeed U-Series reports, there are three actions you need to complete:
- Make sure the data discrepancy exists in Avero by logging in and running a sales report. If you notice incorrect data in an emailed report, it may be related to email settings and not the data itself. See our troubleshooting guide: Troubleshooting Email Reports with Missing or Incomplete Data
- Review the Differences between Lightspeed U-Series & Avero to make sure this isn't the discrepancy you are noticing.
- Run a Daily Sales Report from Lightspeed U-Series for the date in question, Open a Data Ticket, attach the report and explain the discrepancy. Make sure to include the report, the date, and the revenue center or location if you have access to several, as well as any examples you can provide.
Our team investigates all data discrepancies - due to the nature of our daily data extraction a single date and single-day sales report must be provided. We cannot investigate date ranges, but it is helpful to know if the issue is recurring and you can provide multiple dates.
Frequently Asked Questions About Lightspeed U-Series
Why don't Avero's sales look the same as my Lightspeed U-Series reports?
- Avero sales do not include taxes, and Lightspeed U-Series's Gross Sales do
Total Avero Net sales = Total Lightspeed U-Series Net Sales.
Category totals may not match due to check-level promotions
Taxes may not look like they match due to Lightspeed U-Series separating the taxes on comps/promotions. Totals will match.
Is there any information Lightspeed U-Series doesn't export to Avero?
There are some data limitations you may notice based on what we receive from Lightspeed U-Series.
Lightspeed U-Series does not send the following data points:
- Transferred Check Information
- $0 Modifiers (Read more about this here: Modifiers)
- Adjusted Punches in Labor Data
Does Avero pull credit card information from my Lightspeed U-Series system?
No. Avero pulls payment type information, such as what type of card is used and the amount of the payment from all systems. We do not have access to, collect or store, full or partial credit card numbers. Depending on the configuration of your Lightspeed U-Series POS, the Customer Name may be available as reference information for credit card purchases.
Can Avero pull back / historical data from my Lightspeed U-Series POS?
Yes! If you are a new customer, are missing recent data, or have just added a new profit center that already had sales that weren't loaded to Avero, we can run the data extraction for previous dates. The data that is available and extractable on Lightspeed U-Series's API varies, but typically at least 90 days are available.
To request additional data be run, open a ticket and list the dates you'd like Avero Support to run.