Avero Remote Connections:
Eblvd, TeamViewer, LogMeIn Rescue, Other Methods
It is important that Avero have remote access to your on-site servers for maintenance and repair of our data connection to your POS. The easiest method is Eblvd, which you can install locally on your POS server which allows Avero to access the server to run and update our Data Extraction Utility. We are happy to work with your preferred method of access, but note that some connections require the user to be present at the terminal and have additional back-and-forth which may cause delays in resolving your service requests.
LogMeIn Rescue
If you prefer not to install any additional components to your on-site server our team can request access to your local machine via LogMeIn Rescue, which requires someone on-site at the time of connection that can log in to the server with Windows admin credentials and follow the on-screen prompts to allow remote control access.
Eblvd is the easiest method of access to maintain. Following the instructions below, install eblvd on your POS server and we will be able to access the server for support needs, such as performing updates, recovering missing data, or other support tasks at your request. This is the most hands-off method for the operations team as it does not require scheduling with a technician and will expedite resolution.
Installing eBLVD on your POS Server
First, make sure:
- You are logged on to your POS Server, back office computers or personal computers will not provide us the necessary access to your POS to extract sales data. It must be the computer that runs your POS.
- You are logged on with Windows Administrator credentials, required for installing a utility.
Step 1: Visit the following link to download eBLVD: http://tinyurl.com/averoremote
Step 2: Click the green button: Download the Setup Wizard
Step 3: Follow the prompts on the Setup Wizard and agree to the terms of use. Then, assign your PC Host Name.
- Choose a PC Name that is unique to your business. Avoid generic or vague names like 'AlohaBOH' or 'Micros 01' - remember we have thousands of connections to view! Choose something that relates to your business like 'ABCRestaurant_BOH'
- Leave the 3 fields below the PC Name blank (Description, Password, Confirm)
- Do not assign a password! Check the box Assign website account password.
Step 4: Follow the prompts and hit Finish on the last screen, which will close the window. Then, provide Avero Support with the PC/Host name you chose.
Last: Open eblvd and select Start Host to enable access. Until you select Start Host, we will not see the connection nor be able to access your server.
Whitelisting: eBLVD requires whitelisting to function! Make sure Protocol HTTP and Port 443 are whitelisted. You may also choose to whitelist the eblvd IP Addresses below, but this is not always necessary:
If you upgrade or replace your server, eblvd will need to be reinstalled and Avero Support will need to be updated.
If your team prefers to use TeamViewer for access, TV connections can be initiated and left open for 1 day. This does require someone at the server to initiate the sessions and send the ID & password to the support team. This can mean delays due to the back and forth nature of requesting and granting the access but can be very convenient if someone is always on-site with the knowledge to open a session and provide us the credentials.
This also requires that the server be logged on with Windows admin credentials for any updates to the data tasks or DEU to be made.
Read more about TeamViewer on their website: https://www.teamviewer.com/en-us/
How to Set Up TeamViewer Remote Control
The initial TeamViewer setup couldn’t be easier: simply install the software, indicate whether you want to use it for commercial or private use, and create a name and password for your computer. Once the installation process is complete, you will then be taken to the main TeamViewer interface, which is divided up into two tabs: remote control and meeting. From here, you can enable Avero to remotely control your server.
To enable access, navigate to the Remote Control tab of the TeamViewer interface. Here, find your TeamViewer ID and temporary password. Simply send this ID & Password to Avero and we can connect to your server to assist. Make sure the server is logged in with admin credentials before sending us the access code!
Other Methods
If you have an IT department or servicer and they manage remote connections via another method, we are happy to work with your preferred method. Be aware that this may cause delays in service due to back and forth for arranging time and access.