Are there any limitations when bulk adding events?
Yes. When bulk-adding events, keep the following in mind:
- You can’t change the column headers of the template.
- You can’t change the filename of the template.
- You can't change the file type (.csv) of the template.
- You can only include Tags that already exist in Avero.
- You must add events to business calendars using attributes or to all businesses by omitting attributes – in other words, you can’t add events to one business at a time.
Why do I have to use your template if I want to Bulk Add events?
Databases are complicated and finicky systems. Our template ensures every required field necessary to create a valid event is included in the upload. We’ve tried to design it so that it has very few necessary fields, most of which can be copied and pasted from existing spreadsheets you might use to store event data.
If your template does not upload, this is likely because the column headers, filename, or file type (csv) were changed after the template was downloaded. Additionally, it may be because you have unrecognized Tags or duplicate events (same name and start date).