Ready to install Avero's data extractor?
Here are step-by-step instructions for Installing with Avero. You must complete the entire pre-install checklist to ensure your POS is configured properly. Please reference your installation email for the credentials you will need during the install process - you should have received a POS Code, Business ID, and Validation Code from Avero Support, if you don't have this open a ticket.
On-Demand Installation is only available for: Aloha, Micros3700, POSiTouch, PixelPoint, Digital Dining, Future, and Squirrel systems.
For most users, installing takes about 8-10 minutes and follows this process:
- Download the installer
- Run the installer
- Input Store information into our DEU and run your first batch of data
Some setups may have one or both of the following extra steps:
- Hotels & Casinos only - Map Businesses
- Select Systems: Install Right Now Agent (if eligible)
If you have any trouble, refer to our Installation Troubleshooting Guide
Note: Installs are not supported on operating systems prior to Windows 7 - open a ticket for assistance
Watch the full process here, then scroll down to get started!
Let's Get Started!
Download the Installer:
1. Log in, directly or remotely, to the computer where your POS software is located. You must log on as a Windows Admin to install.
2. Open the browser and click this link or copy/paste it into your browser to download the installer:
Note: if you have endpoint protection in place, your browser may require you to give approval before downloading the installer. Depending on your browser, you will need to click More Info > Run Anyway or allow access in order to proceed and download the file. |
If Run Anyway is not an option, visit our Installation Troubleshooting Guide
3. Once the installer has downloaded, go to your downloads folder and find the file named averoInstall.exe
Note: Do not edit the name of the file. If you modify the name and it includes a space, the file will not open. If the file path contains a space, it may not open. If this happens, move the file to the desktop and try again. |
4. Right-click the installer and click Properties. If the option 'Unblock' appears in the bottom right, check the box and click Apply.
Run the Installer:
1. Run the averoInstall.exe file - double-click or right-click and select 'Run as administrator'. A screen similar to the below image should open, now you’re ready to begin installing. Do not click inside the black box. If you do, click the title bar. Watch the process here for all 6 steps:
2. Now you will enter the business information for your store. You should have a POS Code, Business ID, and Validation Code. If you don't have these open a ticket.
Note: Please be careful to avoid spaces. Spaces will prevent the installer from reading the information correctly. All information is case-sensitive
- Enter your POS code. Copy and paste the POS code from your install email, followed by enter
- Enter your business ID, followed by enter
- Enter the validation code, followed by enter
3. Hit enter to proceed with the default extraction time of 6am.
Note: This should be at least 30 minutes after your POS processes end of day and not at the same time as any reboots.
4. If you are utilizing your POS system for time clock information, type Y. If not, type N. Hit enter.
Not all systems support labor data, so know if your system is eligible by checking our POS Integrations Page
5. Read and confirm that all of the information is correct.
If all of the information is correct, type y and hit enter.
If the information is not correct, type n and hit enter to re-enter your install information.
Now you may proceed to Input Store Info. If you see a pop-up window requesting meal period information CLICK HERE for additional instructions.
Extra Steps: Some POS Systems or configurations may require an extra step. Unless you know your system has a special setup, hit Enter to complete the installer.
Click below for additional instructions:
- Micros 3700 POS - if you have a custom ODBC connection to use, view the extra step in Installation
- Aloha POS - If your BootDrv folder is not in the standard C:\ or D:\ drives, see the extra step listed under Installation to map the correct folder to the Avero DEU
- If you are using PixelPoint POS, Digital Dining POS, or POSiTouch POS, you will need to input your meal periods. See your POS page or click here to see instructions for this step.
Input Information & Run Data
1. Once the installer has finished it will pop open a new window.
Note: You may once again be prompted to allow access or allow the program to run.
2. Click Set password and use the password for the Windows admin user that you’re currently logged in under and click Apply. **If you get an error, you will need to re-enter the password and hit Apply again. This task is essential in completing the installation. If you are not able to confirm the correct password, do not move forward. Hit OK.
Note: you will see a green dot next to POS at the bottom of the DEU setup. If you’re also installing Labor, you will see a green dot next to Labor as well. If you see a red dot, please open a ticket |
If you receive an error message that says 'Item Sales Returned No Data' this usually means one of your outlets / your restaurant was closed for this date. If you know you had sales on the date run and see this error, open a ticket for assistance. If you receive any other error message, take a screenshot of it and open a ticket for help.
Your POS can now send data to Avero each day!
If you are interested in real-time sales information via our mobile app and are on a supported real-time system, proceed to Right Now Agent Installation Instructions. Otherwise,
Great Job!
Now, return to your installation email and click the link to schedule an appointment with Avero Installation Team to finalize your data flow.
Special Note for Reinstallation: If you will be keeping or repurposing your old server, be sure to disable the Avero tasks in Task Scheduler and/or uninstall the Avero utility. An old server can continue to attempt to send data and the errors generated may alert you to missing data unnecessarily.
Extra Step: Meal Periods
Some systems require you to input meal period information before proceeding to Input Store Information. These are PixelPoint POS, Digital Dining POS, or POSiTouch POS. See below or visit the link to you POS Guide for more information.
Input meal periods - A pop-up will open for you to put in the end time of each meal period for each day.
- Your first meal period will begin at the 'Open' time.
- All times are in 24-hour time.
- Your last meal period of the day should have an end time 1 minute before the Open time (so no revenue is missing a meal period)
- If your meal periods vary by day, put the meal periods in chronological order through the day (Brunch would come after Breakfast and Lunch if it was the only meal period before dinner on Sundays, for example)
- All fields must have an entry. If some meal periods are only in use for certain days, give them an end time 1 minute after the preceding meal period for days they aren't in use. (If Lunch ends at 16:00 (or 4pm), set Brunch to end at 16:01).