The best way to track down a possible source of theft from a particular employee is to run a Promotion Summary Report on the preceding 3 months of business. By running this report, you can drill down to see the following:
- which employee has the greatest number of promotions
- the greatest dollar amount in promotions
- the greatest number of checks with a promotion
- select an employee to examine each of his/her promotions to examine if he/she has been abusing promotions.
You can also identify possible theft by examining trends of promotions or voids. To do this, complete the following steps:
- Set up a Promotions & Voids report by weekly trends
- In “advanced filters," select one of the metrics (such as % Gross Sales).
With this report, you can track weekly trends in promotions or voids to identify any periods of unusual levels and look into what is going on during that period and who is responsible.
Similarly, if you have multiple outlets within your group, you can also identify possible theft by examining promos & voids as % Gross Sales across all your outlets to see if there are any outliers that you should look into more deeply.