Utilizing Date Filters: Range, Trend, Comparison
There are different types of dates you can run reports for in Avero. The three main categories found in the Report Generator are Range, Trend, and Comparison. Some of these options are considered Dynamic Date Ranges. Dynamic Date Ranges will update daily with a new range of data where a Static Date Range such as a specific week will not change. These are important when you are scheduling reports or adding them to your Dashboard as static ranges cannot be automated by design. A Static Date Range is typically used to set a base line or get specific data, whereas Dynamic Date Ranges are used for continued tracking.
Please Note: Meal Periods are not associated in any way with any of the date options.
WTD: Week-to-Date; Data from the current fiscal week and all dates leading to yesterday. *This metric is defined by your fiscal week start that was set during the initial installation. If you need to update your fiscal week start, Open a ticket with Avero support and request the new fiscal week start be used for your account. Please note that fiscal week start is set for your entire organization, if you do not have all business access you must request that someone with all access enters this request.
MTD: Month-to-Date; Data from the first of the current month and all dates leading to yesterday.
YTD: Year-to-Date; Data from the first of the year and all dates leading to yesterday.
FPTD: Fiscal Period-to-Date; FPTD will not be an option unless Fiscal Periods have been Setup previously using the "Fiscal Period" Special Role.
FQTD: Fiscal Quarter-to-Date; Fiscal Quarters will default to JAN-MAR, APR-JUN, JUL-SEP, OCT-DEC. If you would like to select custom Fiscal Quarters, this can be done by a user with the "Fiscal Period" Special Role.
Weeks: A static range of a single or multiple weeks that can be manually selected for a one time report.
Months: A static range of a single or multiple months that can be manually selected for a one time report.
FQs: A static range of a single or multiple Fiscal Quarters that can be manually selected for a one time report. Fiscal Quarters will default to JAN-MAR, APR-JUN, JUL-SEP, OCT-DEC. If you would like to select custom Fiscal Quarters, this can be done by a user with the "Fiscal Period" Special Role.
Running a Comparison Report
Looking to compare YOY? Use the Comparison date filter and select up to 3 metrics.
- Standard: Using the Standard Comparison date filter lets you see your sales performance year over year. You are able to see Daily, WTD, MTD and YTD comparisons in one report. Just select the time frames you are interested in comparing.
- Custom: Using a Custom Comparison you can select any two timeframes to compare against the figures for those periods in the previous year.
Running a Trend Report
Using Trend date filters lets you compare sales side by side, selecting up to 3 metrics.
- Standard: This is the most common way to run a Trend report. Using the drop-down menus you can choose to compare up to 52 like time periods. Say for instance you want to know if you should close on Mondays. Run a trend report for 52 Mondays to analyze your Monday business.
We'll default to show the end date of the report as yesterday unless you select the box to enter a custom end date.
- Custom: Choosing to run a custom trend report lets you compare non-sequential or unlike time periods. Maybe you want to analyze the first week of the month. Choose custom to select the first week of the last six months for this report.