I added a new business/location and I am not seeing it - why?
When new businesses or locations are added, access is automatically granted to the requestor (the person who makes the arrangements to add the business to Avero) and any users who have access to "All" businesses. The list of businesses in the Avero mobile app will not refresh and add a new business until you log out and back in again.
To Fix...
1. Verify Access
Log into Avero on the web and check if this business is available in your business list for running reports. If it is, congrats! You have access!
If you do not see the business, request your admin (manager, property admin, or corporate contact, often the GM, or the IT or Finance department) add access to the new business for you.
Please note: Avero Support cannot adjust user access, all business access is managed by your organization.
2. Refresh the App
The list of businesses in the Avero mobile app will not refresh and add a new business until you log out and back in again. If you've recently added a new business or location and you aren't seeing it in the Avero app, but you do see it on the web, you need only to log out and then log into the app again, and you will see your new business in your business list!